3 definitions by Government Cheese Eater

A horribly gruesome case of runny chunky trots that looks like Wolf Brand Chili (with or without beans depending on consistency). There are 3 levels of “The Wolf Brandies” - no beans, mild, and spicy.
Burl: Bro I just ate 5 quadruple layer burritos from Toxic Hell...where’s your bathroom?
Chance: Ya, I totally smelled those rancid farts you’ve been blowin in my direction. It’s down the hall and to the left.
Burl: Thanks dude. I feel a horrible case of the Wolf Brandies coming on...EXTRA SPICY.
by Government Cheese Eater December 14, 2020
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Usually, fecal matter from the canine species which has been hardening under harsh sunlight for a number of days and has developed a thin layer of white flour-like substance on the top otherwise known as white dog shit or WDS
Brock Huntington: I was walking Becky back to her sorority house and I suddenly felt something squishy under my Adidas cross trainers.
Becky Livingston: What is that horrible smell. It literally smells like dead cat, rotten tamales, and jerry curl.
Brock: OH MY GOD! It’s WDS!!!
by Government Cheese Eater March 12, 2020
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Dicked - The act of being messed with or being pranked.
Beatrix: OMG! Someone just threw a HUGE pile of turtle diarrhea on Farnsworth!
Darrin: It sounds like he just got DICKED!
Beatrix: No doubt.
by Government Cheese Eater September 22, 2021
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