10 definitions by German dude

pretty amazing that the adaption of words even works the other way round. but after we use words like shopping and news it's only fair you get some of our crap.
next time try "grausam" or "total bescheuert".
Keine Angst Leute, es wird bestimmt alles wieder gut!!
by German dude November 6, 2004
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A squat dance with your arms in and you kick done by Ukrainians and Russians
i can do the kazotsky.
by German dude July 31, 2018
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A squat dance with your arms in and you kick
i can do the kazotsky.
by German dude July 31, 2018
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the word used by people to curse out others with out cursing
you mother flicker
by German dude August 1, 2018
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i medi gun found in tf2 that can give you critical hits for the class medic
i use the Kritzkrieg in tf2
by German dude August 1, 2018
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