4 definitions by Genuine Dutch Uncle

The most often repeated line delivered by drama school graduates in Los Angeles
In Stratford-upon-Avon, the line most often used by drama school graduates is "To be, or not to be: that is the question," but in Los Angeles it's "Would you like French fries with that?"
by Genuine Dutch Uncle May 15, 2016
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An expression of surprise on discovering that something improbable is in fact true
Hearing that I'd passed the exam, my mother exclaimed: "Well, I'm a Dutchman's uncle!"
by Genuine Dutch Uncle May 15, 2016
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Dutchman's uncle

NOUN: Someone who holds an opinion that seems improbable but is in fact correct
If Genever gin comes from Switzerland then I'm a Dutchman's uncle.
by Genuine Dutch Uncle May 13, 2016
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dutchman's uncle

NOUN: A person with unexpected or improbable qualities
If you don't enjoy jenever gin then I'm a Dutchman's uncle.
by Genuine Dutch Uncle May 13, 2016
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