10 definitions by Gdogs McC

Manipulating the keyboard's numerals to write sentences in a wierd hard to read kind of way. Used mainly by computer nerds and losers with too much time on their hands.
2 guys chatting on msn:

Guy1: Hey man how are you?

Guy2: !m 0k $!tt!n @t (-)0m& \/\/@tc(-)!n9 +v, U?

Guy1: Dude I can't read whatever the hell you're trying to say, so quit Key Krunching!
by Gdogs McC January 27, 2006
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The great God of music and lyrics, possesses the minds of n00b lyric composers and takes over their soul, and can influence them to make mad songs, to make them into superstars.
"Gabatwa is possessing my soul, omgwtfhaxcookie?!"
"Woah, shit man mad-as!"
"Gab-a-twa yew!!"
by Gdogs McC October 28, 2005
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Real taste, zero sugar. Just like Coca Cola only without any sugar and all the normal ingrediants.
Coke zero... real taste, no sugar... and how about a great life and no downside?
by Gdogs McC January 26, 2006
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A true blue aussie, loves everything australian and is everything australian.

"G'day Macka! Hows it going mate?"
by Gdogs McC January 15, 2006
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To slowly walk into a cold pool or sea with your arms up, while trying to avoid being splashed and getting your torso wet. Usually goosebumps are inevitable.
Paul was etching into the sea when a wave splashed him from head to toe.
by Gdogs McC January 26, 2006
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Also known as the abdominal muscles; the muscles over the stomach below the ribbs (i.e: rib cage), containing normally 6 firm muscles packed together (i.e: 6 pack). If well toned they can be quite strong and hard, often bigger with men, they develope over purberty normally.
Dude: Hey what's up? (walking accross the beach)

Chick: Wow! Nice abbs hottie, wanna go for a swim?

Dude: (whispers) Thank you abbs...
by Gdogs McC January 29, 2006
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1. The 7th letter in the English Alphabet.

2. A unit of force equal to the force exerted by gravity; used to indicate the force to which a body is subjected when it is accelerated.
1. A - B - C - D - E - F - G...

2. Therefore acceleration of gravity:

n. (Abbr. G)

The acceleration of freely falling bodies under the influence of terrestrial gravity, equal to approximately 9.81 meters (32 feet) per second per second.
by Gdogs McC January 26, 2006
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