3 definitions by GayBirdNerd

A term used in the birding community to say "Little Brown Bird/Blob".
This is usual used when you short glimpse of a small brown bird. Hence the term, LBB.
"What was that!?"

"I don't know; LBB."
by GayBirdNerd July 13, 2022
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How do you become

the greatest birder in the world?

You have to win the Big Year.

What's a Big Year?

Here, I'll let this English guy tell you.

Well into the 19th century,

Americans celebrated Christmas Day

with contests to kill

the most birds in a single day.

In 1900, Audubon Society ornithologist

Frank Chapman

suggested Americans should

count them instead,

leading eventually

to the creation of the Big Year,

a competition to see

the greatest number of birds

in North America in a calendar year.
"Didn't you tell me that a Big Year killed your marriage to Steph in '03?"

"First of all, I was married to Bridget in '03."

"Didn't you tell me that a Big Year killed your marriage to Bridget?"

"A contributing factor, but, no, not the main reason. There were so many other problems with that marriage."
by GayBirdNerd July 13, 2022
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