13 definitions by Fresh Timbs

Replacement for “weird flex but ok” because it’s overused
Random person: “I didn’t lose my virginity because I don’t take L’s.”
Me: “Preposterous boast, but alas.”
by Fresh Timbs October 29, 2018
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The art in behaving like a spic nigga.
“You saw that big ass fiesta on the spanish side of the hood?”
“Yeah I pulled up to it earlier with Miguel. Whole lotta spiggatry at work. They food mad good though.”
by Fresh Timbs November 7, 2017
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Tits, Tushy, and Thighs: the ideal woman's body possesses each of these in a good shape and size.
Guy 1: "Yo I just scored with the hottest chick in the club last night, bro. You should see her. I bet you'll be jealous."
Guy 2: "That's cool and all but does she have the 3 T's?"
Guy 1: "I mean... I guess she has 2 out of the 3 T's."
Guy 2: "Then your claim is invalid."
by Fresh Timbs July 23, 2019
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Another way of saying "I need a favor" or "I need to borrow something".
Person 1: "Hey, it's been a while. How are you?"
Person 2: "What do you want from me this time?"
by Fresh Timbs November 11, 2018
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A term that originated in New York that is used to agree with something, someone, or a statement. It can also be used to point out something as being factual.
"Yo deadass nigga if anyone scuffs my timbs they finna get stomped on bruh."
"Yo that's facts my guy."
by Fresh Timbs November 5, 2017
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"What's the matter, fam? You look agi. Who did you wrong?"
by Fresh Timbs November 22, 2018
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1. "Look at that girl over there bruh. Look at her curves though."
"Yeah, she's an Aphrodite."

2. "Mmmm, look at all these fine Aphrodites in here. I feel truly blessed."
by Fresh Timbs May 2, 2018
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