4 definitions by Freddy Freshlegs

Tiny beads of perspiration that dangle off the ends of a sweaty man's chest hair.
I borrowed my friend's hoodie and he immediately complained, "Dude, now it's got hair juice all over it!"
by Freddy Freshlegs August 21, 2023
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a random, unexpected, and slightly-off-topic lecture from a friend who believes you'll be completely transfixed by the subject matter.
"I said the stars looked amazing tonight, and he launched into a 10-minute frecture on stellar fusion."
by Freddy Freshlegs December 17, 2019
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A vestigial fleshy tag that somewhat resembles an extra penis.
Jesus, look at that dog’s huge pixqueenis.
by Freddy Freshlegs November 24, 2020
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A large, bulbous, fleshy mass that resembles a partially deflated kickball - in size, texture, and density.
That pixsquamous is really something, have you considered having it removed before it pops?!
by Freddy Freshlegs May 10, 2021
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