20 definitions by Extra mayo

Liking someone else's Facebook post, picture, or comment even if you don't. Like giving someone a handjob. Usually done so it seems you're a really good friend.
I think Sarah's going to unfriend me if I don't give her a Facebook job the next few days.
by Extra mayo June 9, 2016
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A short man who is also a bodyguard for a woman with a really big ass.

Taken from the short animated film "The Bootyguard," in which Gary Coleman gets a job as Jennifer Lopez's bodyguard.
Not only is Tony her personal assistant, he is also her bootyguard.
by Extra mayo August 31, 2011
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Playing Russian roulette with any of the Nerf revolver guns (such as the "Maverick," "Strongarm," or "Spectre"). A safe way to play Russian Roulette.
There was nothing to do at the party so we decided to play Nerf Russian Roulette.
by Extra mayo May 17, 2015
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To mimic someone's sexual moans, as Dustin Hoffman does to Tom Cruise in the movie "Rain Man."
We were all pissed Sam didn't chip in for the bill, so we rain moaned her in front of her boyfriend.
by Extra mayo July 27, 2015
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We are all going to "Las Begas" to watch the Manny Pacquiao fight.
by Extra mayo January 23, 2013
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Mixing the cards in the games "Cards Against Humanity" and "Apples to Apples." It allows for adults to have fun but show some respect to children.
Everyone wanted to play Cards Against Humanity, but since it was a kids party we played Apples Against Humanity.
by Extra mayo May 19, 2015
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