11 definitions by Ewan

When you go into a resturants or public places bathroom and have to shit and so you go in the toilet tank and when people go in their they'll be wondering about the small and never be able to find it.
Herget and Zach went into Zaxby's, Herget powerbombed the bathroom while Zach upper tanked it. Man what a mess.
by Ewan February 1, 2004
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children who peddle carpets.
I need some new carpets laying, oh look, there's some rats over there, they should be able to help.
by Ewan February 12, 2004
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name derived from Simon. Will usually find them teabagging their mother.
ie: I saw simon last night with his mother, what a bollockchop.
by Ewan February 11, 2004
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Terrifying fat horses with arses where their faces should be and 6 penises that other cows suck on.
Totally evil and useless other than that magic mushrooms can be found in fetid slabs of their excrement.
Mushroom picker: Gosh isn't it lucky theres no cows in this field at the moment !?
Cow: moo
Mushroom picker: arg!!!
Cow: moo
More cows: moo moo
*all that was found was a muddy bobble-hat*
by Ewan January 3, 2005
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hey, whilst on holiday in the deepest darkest recesses of Hampshire, why not try bollockchopping with the locals. Marvellous!
by Ewan February 20, 2004
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When you go into a bathroom at a resturant or any public place and you have to take a shit and you climb up on the top of the stall and go from up there and when it lands it resembles a bomb, hence the name.
Herget went in to Zaxby's last night and powerbombed their bathroom, what a sick fuck.
by Ewan February 1, 2004
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a way of inserting the penis of a bollockchopper into someone elses granny
hey man, your nans great, lets go snubbing
by Ewan February 12, 2004
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