3 definitions by Earl Sharrow

- N. (Jerb iss ashun)-
A long conversation of boring small talk and anecdotes with someone you do not like, but needed something from.
"Where have you been?" "I needed a buck for a pop, and got stuck in an hour long jerbisation with Liska."
by Earl Sharrow September 12, 2008
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To make a melodramatic exit when things don't go your way, a la David Hassellhoff on America's Got Talent.
Seeing Joe macking with Traci made Jeff hoff off.
by Earl Sharrow February 28, 2008
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To make a melodramatic exit when things don't go your way, a la David Hassellhoff on America's Got Talent.
"Seeing Joe with Traci made Jeff hoff off."
by Earl Sharrow February 27, 2008
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