3 definitions by EAGARGM

NEVERHEARDOF... HIM, HER, THEM, or IT... is a comment meaning that a so called famous person or thing has done something either Anti-American or so idiotic that I no longer pay attention to them.
Jim: Hugh Hefner called it off with his fiance.
by EAGARGM August 4, 2011
On a dare they sat in the bar doing shots of Clabbered Colt.
by EAGARGM August 1, 2011
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Drinkberg: Noun. The chunk of ice in a glass that while drinking makes a sudden surge toward the mouth of the glass with such force as to cause the liquid to splash out of the glass onto the person's face and clothes.
That damned drinkberg just ruined my new white t-shirt.
by EAGARGM September 17, 2011
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