3 definitions by DrawGyalGetPaid

When the mund comes groggy and spicy, a little grog but still babine.
Finn: mate that bet is groggine mund

Luc: only made a quid of mund profit after last weeks losses. Kinda grog
by DrawGyalGetPaid January 31, 2021
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Taxicle is a combination of tax and tacticle.

Taxicle would be used to describe a tac tic used to tax gyal.
Garry: oi mate you know any good taxicles?
Rodney: nah sorry gazza, I heard stuart knows a few taxicles though mate

Stuart: yeh mate my taxicle will allow you to tax gyal you didn't even know were yatable
by DrawGyalGetPaid November 17, 2016
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A female that is not openly bait about things, one whom keeps things sly.

Also referred to as a word to describe a yat that has been newly discovered.
Toby: I found the ultimate slyting mate, her names Sophie, bare sly trust.
Elijah: Yh she a slyting mate, don't think anyone knows of her so tax her up
Toby: dw bro shes definitely yatable, ima skeng her down and rastclart her pussyo
by DrawGyalGetPaid November 16, 2016
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