10 definitions by Dr. Aarben

Pseudoporn in reference to media describes an image or that which creates an image which is borderline pornographic and in some debatable cases, actually softcore porn.

Pseudoporn can be found in various forms of media including but not limited to: animé, comics, young adult novels, and PG13 movies.

Pseudoporn is often used to draw in a larger viewership by teasing the audience with sexual content, but never giving them what they expect or want.
I went to an R rated movie last night expecting some action, but I was disappointed to find it was just pseudoporn. If I wanted to watch porn I'd just have stayed home!
by Dr. Aarben November 6, 2014
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1. A fictional place name used for sarcastic responses to "where are you" or related scenarios.

2. A word meaning a magical action, usually used sarcastically.
Person 1 - "Where are you right now?"
Person 2 - "Oh you know in the land of Alakazoo"
Person 1 - "Really?"
Person 2 - "Oh my gosh, NO!!!!"

Person 1 - "How would that happen?"
Person 2 - "I don't know maybe a freaking wizard comes a long and says bippity boppity akawaka alakazoo dippity doo and boom it's done! Like come on..."
by Dr. Aarben March 12, 2013
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To buppity ones boppity while they beepity ones boopity.
Person 1 - "Why are you so happy?"
Person 2 - "I just did a bippity."
Person 1 - "No way!"
by Dr. Aarben March 12, 2013
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