7 definitions by Dr. Meh

Someone who does not posses the ability to think for themselves, but rater think for a group. Any group. Someone who must say everything they think of out loud to other people, rather than processing that idea to themselves and making it better. Someone to whom the less someone talks, the stupider they are. Someone who possesses the ability to appear more fit for leadership positions than introverts, while in reality it has been proven in many studies that the opposite it true. Someone who has great sympathy for other people, but no empathy. The parents of groupthink.
Ah man, I wish I had gotten that promotion. Just because I'm not outgoing doesn't mean I can't lead. Why must extroverts be so god damn ignorant about the way other people think?!
by Dr. Meh August 19, 2012
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Tyson Foods, Inc. is a multinational corporation that is the world's second largest producer of beef, chicken, and pork.
The company has been charged with countless evironmenmtal crimes, abusing workers, racism, and lots more! Through false advertising and labeling, they have made the public think that their foods are 100% natural and safe to eat. This is not true, because they do use things such as cabon-monoxide, arsenic, and anti-biotics, in their food.
Kid: "Mommy, Mommy, lets get tyson foods for dinner tonight! they want to help our school and donate lots of food to pore people!"
Mom: "sure! they sound like a good company!"
by Dr. Meh November 5, 2011
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A small town of about 7,000 people, on the shores of Lake Champlain, at an elevation of 95 to 500 ft. Most of Shelburne is nice, a cute village, and lots of fields. However, the northwest section of Shelburne is nothing but a commercialized shithole, where every bit of green space is bought out and built upon by corporations like Kinney Drugs. It is a beautiful town slowly being turned into a shopping mall like the rest of this "wonderful" country.
Shelburne looks more and more like shitty South Burlington every day... so sad.
by Dr. Meh March 22, 2012
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This is a condition named after the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) which causes people to veiw sex-related things as inappropriate, yet be perfectly fine with violence. Sufferers also find homosexualaly much worse than being straight.

When asked to explain why somthing is inappropriate, the will often say "those ideas do not need to be put into children's heads" but will not actually beable to explain why somthing is bad.
Kid: "Can I see this movie?"
Parent: "No, it's rated R"
Kid: "So?"
Parent: "It could have sexual content in it."
Kid: "You have MPAA Syndrome!"
by Dr. Meh March 31, 2011
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Shelburne, Vermont is a town of about 7,144 people on the shores of Lake Champlain. The town is a mix of beautiful rural landscapes, and shitty, corporate suburbs (I am referring to Shelburne Road). The eastern side of Shelburne and Shelburne Farms are the two most beautiful areas of Shelburne. It has one of the best public schools in Vermont. People can go swimming and boating in Shelburne Pond and Shelburne Bay. A beautiful Vermont town that is slowly being developed into a corporate shithole like the rest of America.
Shelburne, Vermont just looks more and more like shitty South Burlington every day.
by Dr. Meh August 2, 2012
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These are people who live in a city.
Urban People generally are very smug about then selves, as if they are very smart and modern, however if they where to ever leave their cities, they probably couldn't last a day. Urban people will call anyone who lives in a rual or close to rual area a redneck.
Gansters, Buisseness People, & Douchebags are all Urban People
by Dr. Meh June 27, 2011
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A condition which causes the senses to be crossed wired. For example: numbers, letters, words, music can all have colors, shapes, personalities, feelings. The equivalent of being born on LSD. Introverts are more likely to have it than extroverts.
Because of synesthesia; the number 4694 looks like beautiful fall colors to me.
by Dr. Meh March 22, 2012
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