18 definitions by Dont-Be-Skurrd
A less offensive way of saying Nigga. Often used by Grey Guys because they think they won't get their asses kicked if they use that instead.
Grey Guy: 'Saaaaay Nuckka!'
Black Guy: 'Shut up cracker before I smack your lips off'
Grey Guy: 'Oh, aiight den'
Black Guy: 'Shut up cracker before I smack your lips off'
Grey Guy: 'Oh, aiight den'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
White girls who think they are black.
See Grey Guys .
They portray what they believe is an accurate depiction of what is considered black. They really think they are soulful, but they have names like Ashley and Tiffany and can turn their 'blackness' on and off when it behooves them.
See Grey Guys .
They portray what they believe is an accurate depiction of what is considered black. They really think they are soulful, but they have names like Ashley and Tiffany and can turn their 'blackness' on and off when it behooves them.
Grey Girl: "Aye, whassup gurrrrrrrrl? You seen my baby daddy?"
Other Grey Girl: "Naw but I heard Day-Day tellin this other hoe that she had seen him up in that hoodrat's house in the Cliff"
Grey Girl: (while moving her head back and forth in a very exaggerated manner) "OH HELL NAW. Where she stay?"
Grey Girls make me want to slap the taste out their mouths.....
Other Grey Girl: "Naw but I heard Day-Day tellin this other hoe that she had seen him up in that hoodrat's house in the Cliff"
Grey Girl: (while moving her head back and forth in a very exaggerated manner) "OH HELL NAW. Where she stay?"
Grey Girls make me want to slap the taste out their mouths.....
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
Slang for Sex.
From the movie Full Metal Jacket..the Me sucky sucky scene.
The Asian whore doesn't want to have sex with the black soldier because she thinks he is "Too Boo-coo"
From the movie Full Metal Jacket..the Me sucky sucky scene.
The Asian whore doesn't want to have sex with the black soldier because she thinks he is "Too Boo-coo"
'No Boo-Coo fo yooo'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
Ebonic term of endearment used for someone who probably spent more time with an individual than their real mom.
Usually not even related to the person using the phrase
Usually not even related to the person using the phrase
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
1. A potent beverage that used to be called Mad Dog 20/20, but the company decided it was better for business to change it to MD 20/20 (yes that is much better -?-)
2. To stare someone down:
A) in response to an initial provocation or
B) to start a fight, or to start shit with another
2. To stare someone down:
A) in response to an initial provocation or
B) to start a fight, or to start shit with another
1. 'Man that Mad Dog had me on tilt last night, sorry if I tried to get with your sister'
2. 'I mad dogged that nuckka until he pussied out', 'I mad dogged that police and that's how I got 50 stitches in my head'
2. 'I mad dogged that nuckka until he pussied out', 'I mad dogged that police and that's how I got 50 stitches in my head'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004