18 definitions by Don_Mayhem

A Really Ugly Person whose Face Guards his/her Body 24 Hours a Day. Mostly found at Wal-Mart or Bus Stops.
1. Someone that is so Ugly, you have to give the a second look.
"Oh man, that chick is Guarding 24-7"

"That guy is busy Guarding 24-7"
by Don_Mayhem January 22, 2010
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1. Two words defining an Epic Drinking Partner; Female Person who seems to get more and more mischievous as the night goes on; Someone that Hides the Beer; a Drunk Female whose intention is to cause trouble.

2. A female's alter ego that spends the week passed out in the mind of a crazy woman, waiting for the weekend to emotionally punish the World.
"Michell is a Devious Drunkster"

"Devious Drunkster, what happened to all the Beer?"

"I am not Hung Over. I am just suffering the after effects of getting emotionally punished by the Devious Drunkster."
by Don_Mayhem January 24, 2010
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1. a person that throws down some serious Rad Harmony; an Epic Rad Mother Fucker; One that will never let his light saber be trapped in one woman's purse;

2. a man that can successfully figure in boob size + ass firmness, divided by brain cells, multiplied by how Bang-able is her Mom is, within 10 seconds of meeting a woman;
"Brandon is a Rad Jedi"

"Dude I shredded those Usta-Groovers like a Rad Jedi."

"This piece of He-Candy is a Rad Jedi!"
by Don_Mayhem January 26, 2010
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1.Someone that you should not Groove with; that one person you know you shouldn't be talking to;

2. Someone that try's to be Rad but fails every Time; Anyone that starts a sentence with "My W.O.W. character is a ...";
Phone Rings and the Caller ID says CantGroover. You push ignore because that Chick is going to get you into trouble!

"I bet that CantGroover is Horny"
by Don_Mayhem January 25, 2010
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