10 definitions by Dnurse15

When you work in a very easy job. That you barely lift a finger and get paid really well
John just started his job where he just sits at a desk and pretty much watches Netflix. Man must be nice to have a Cadillac job like that.
by Dnurse15 April 4, 2022
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When you fix something in an improper manner with a scant amount of resources that still counts as fixed, but you put the least amount of effort into it.
Joe Bob fixed the toilet by using a dog chain and a cinder block. In our neck of the woods we call that a white trash repair.
by Dnurse15 February 20, 2023
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The left lane of the interstate that is usually occupied by North Carolina drivers in surrounding states.
Look at that North Carolinan in the left lane Jerry. He’s going 5 under and blocking traffic. That’s the tar hill lane.
by Dnurse15 August 26, 2023
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