21 definitions by Dirty Chaos

When a woman gives you a hand job underwater. Very similar to a proper aqua handshake but she doesn't have webbed fingers.
Why is Michael making that face?

Well nevermind it looks like Natasha is giving him an aqua handshake
by Dirty Chaos November 28, 2017
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When a white skinned person from another country can't vote in the United States but tries to influence American politics.
Man 1: don't listen to Jason's political rhetoric
Man 2: why not?
Man 1: he's a Tijuana Tom
by Dirty Chaos August 1, 2017
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When someone uses filters on social media to the point it erases or masks some of their features leaving an almost identical face to voldemort.
Guy: Dude check this girl out she's hot
Guy2: meh too many filter, she's got voldemort face
by Dirty Chaos July 6, 2016
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When someone is always a cunt on the internet.
Paul is always pissing people off on the internet. He's such an intercunt
by Dirty Chaos July 31, 2016
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After being trolled or catfished you make up with your victim by giving him a hand job with maple syrup.
Man: did you hear that mike catfished Stephen?
Woman: wow did they fight after?
Man: no but Mike did give him a canadian handshake
by Dirty Chaos January 7, 2018
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When you get roasted beyond normal levels.
Man: wow Chad really got roasted
Woman: yeah he got Paul Walkered for sure
by Dirty Chaos July 31, 2016
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