3 definitions by Dick Wazinya

The nappy, snarled hair, swamp area between a guys asshole and scrotum. The moisture and look of tufted corn silk seperate this region from the average gooch or under-carriage.
"Dude can I borrow you sideburn trimmers so I can get rid of this wallyfincher before my big date tonight?"
by Dick Wazinya January 28, 2009
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A phrase dipshits say because they don't realize the term is "uh oh" or "uh-oh".
Everyone let is slide when the retarded kid said "ut oh" instead of "uh-oh", because he was actually retarded!
by Dick Wazinya November 26, 2008
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Person who constantly has their thumb up their ass.
Why don't one of you thumbrunners stop watching and give me a hand here!
by Dick Wazinya July 31, 2009
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