23 definitions by Dennis The Tiger

Those safety instruction routines that flight attendants give their passengers on every flight, just before the plane takes off.

Named after a song by the same name.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the flight attendants to give the safety dance. Please make sure your tray tables are in their upright position....
by Dennis The Tiger January 6, 2006
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Extended form of scarf, and used especially when time is of the essence.
Dude, we gotta catch that plane in two minutes and you've only half finished your burger. Better scarf it down on the way to the gate.
by Dennis The Tiger September 25, 2005
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One who continually repeats the same statement with little variation, if any.

Derives directly from the (slightly inaccurate) term involving polyvinyl record albums, where such a "broken" record would repeatedly skip back a moment in what being played. (The term was inaccurate - usually such skippage was caused by debris on the disc.)
Hey, Bob is being a broken record about the salad bar. Somebody wanna hit him?
by Dennis The Tiger April 11, 2007
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"I agree with you on that subject."

Derived directly from a song by the same name performed by the Temptations, and frequently played on oldies radio stations in the United States. Usage is generally considered bad form, as typically it's anything except an emotion that the person is agreeing with.
When I told Clyde that the best thing for the cash was to be placed overnight in the safe, he said "I second that emotion". I promptly beat him over the head with a stack of one dollar bills.
by Dennis The Tiger May 3, 2005
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A description of a document (for instance, a programming schedule for a convention) that, while written or printed, is still at the given moment highly flexible and can be reshaped with little to no effort.

Derived by analogue to set in stone, and with lack of a better substance to set soemthing in that would require flexibility.
The payment terms for this contract are still set in jello.
by Dennis The Tiger April 6, 2005
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To create a verb by improperly suffixing a noun with '-ize' (or '-ise' for European spelling). The method by which words such as 'monetize', 'securitize', and even 'legalize' are created. A practice generally frowned upon by linguists and geeks.

Created as sort of a self-parody of this formation.
The CEO of the megacorp had the geeks enthralled until he started izetizing his nouns to get his power verbs.
by Dennis The Tiger December 11, 2004
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1: Notionally speaking, where you would wind up if you proceeded to dig a hole through the earth as to come out the other end. (This is mistaken, of course - starting from either coast of the US would put you in the middle of an ocean, as would starting about anywhere in China.) See china syndrome for a possible explanation to the origin.

2: Metaphor for where one can see if they have a clear view of a woman's genitalia - either due to the fact that she is wearing no clothing, or the clothing she is wearing is revealing what's underneath (due to transparency or just that it is ill fitting). Possibly originates by extension of sense 1.
When she lifted up her legs, we could see all the way to China.
by Dennis The Tiger April 11, 2005
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