10 definitions by De$per8

what u call some one when they do a gay laugh
just like jadakiss
Guy1 "*gay laugh*"
Guy2 "u laugh like that wak bitch jadabitch"
by De$per8 May 8, 2005
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a fat man that looks like Uncle Phil from Freshprince Of Bellair
"Suge Night that Uncle Phil lookin mudafuka"
by De$per8 February 27, 2005
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ghetto for strong or muscular

adopted from them tonka trucks back in the days (unbreakable)
dont mess with him
he is tonk
by De$per8 April 11, 2004
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(In Robocop2 a guy has baby as hostage)
Robocop "we wont" *BANG*
by De$per8 April 16, 2005
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to back down from any thing
"he wont fight, he just folds"
by De$per8 June 11, 2004
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