11 definitions by Davis

The uncommon bond between a Dodge Avenger and a Mitsubishi Eclipse. Often found when both cars have consumed high octane fuel and the eclipse is "rear ended" by the heavy, slow stopping, aggressive avenger. The result being a hybrid jap/american mixed breed vehicle.

Note: this vehicle is also referred to as an Avengclipse
-Good to hear from you Crane. You can ride shotgun in the Eclenger...or
Avengclipse, to ATL.

by Davis August 27, 2003
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Very Sexy Lakota Native, Who Gets Alot Of Amanda... Mmm tasty she says "Kiss Kiss". Friend Of The Seminole, Can Own Any1 at stickball.. :p
Any Lakota Named Davis XD
by Davis October 9, 2004
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"Hey! Your dog just shanked a loaf in my driveway!"
by Davis December 30, 2004
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A slang referring to the hairs the surround the anus.
"My tounge was met with an unpleasant amount of pucker bristle."
by Davis December 30, 2004
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