10 definitions by Dangerous G

A brand of cheap, nasty, mass-produced alcohol. They do vodka, gin, white rum and scotch whiskey... well, an attempt at them anyway - all shitty poison. The worst hangover of your life will ensue should you drink enough of this crap
by Dangerous G April 18, 2004
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What fat people go on to lose weight. Apparently, if all you eat is cabbage soup, the weight falls off you, but it makes your shit 20 times more rancid. My ex-boss was on one for a couple of months - he'd go grab the newspaper and charge into the toilet for a good half hour session. The place was off-limits for a good 45 minutes afterwards and some of the tiles had fallen off the walls
Workmate: Oh dear, Lynchy's just gone into the bogs with the paper
Me: Dammit! I really need to piss! Guess I'll have to go in the 'ladies'...
by Dangerous G April 12, 2004
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A talentless, cock-sucking, social cling-on who talks shit, has no balls and can't get laid. Makes himself out to be a tough guy, but I would bet good money that most 150lbs weaklings could dish the hurt on him with little or no effort. If I ever saw him I would beat the shit into his smug face, shit in that stupid cap he wears and set fire to his clothes. For added value, I'd whip out my cock and piss all over him shouting "Hey look! I'm pissing on Fred Durst". Then I'd bet most people would join in
Fred Durst: Back the fuck up!
Weakling: BOO!
Fred Durst: I have to go now, I've just shat my stupid pants
by Dangerous G March 25, 2004
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