20 definitions by Danbridge

A song written by Alice Cooper about the legal age of adulthood in the United States.
by Danbridge September 25, 2007
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Short for mother fucker. You usually say it whenever off color language is not preferred.
Man, that roller coaster ride was an m-effer!!
by Danbridge October 11, 2006
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Short for "spermatazoa". The event of ejaculiting sperm from a man's penis.
Britney continued to suck Kevin's cock.

"Oh fuck!" Kevin shouted,"I'm gonna spote all over your tits bitch!"

Then Kevin removed his cock from Britney's mouth and shot his cum all over her tits.
by Danbridge November 23, 2006
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The stupid ass lyric to a stupid ass song
Now watch me slide, now watch me nay nay! Oooo watch me watch me!
by Danbridge April 23, 2018
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A common definition for marijuana buds that are are covered in trichomes. So many trichomes, that the bud looks more white than green.
I used my own home made organic soil, and with the right nutrients, my plant yeilded some pretty frosty buds.
by Danbridge June 11, 2013
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A term used when telling someone that you are going to beat them badly. First coined by WWF wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Boy, you best shut up or i'm gonna open up a can of whoopass on ya!
by Danbridge November 22, 2006
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When you go from bad to worse. When you take a nose dive off a cliff into the abyss of doom.
We're gonna be Out of the butt, and into the fuck. if we don't come up with that 45 dollars!
by Danbridge November 22, 2006
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