4 definitions by DMcM

Got some books

A rare and unique phrase, believed to have been coined by an Italian in Hong Kong, that applies to anything with style and credibility.
Yo, your suspenders have got some books girly!
If someone asked me what Chuck Norris was like, I'd have to say 'He got some books!'
by DMcM December 21, 2005
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It’s Nathan. Hi
by DMcM January 5, 2021
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Noob water

Ian is such a noob water, dog water, and all of the bad things like that
by DMcM August 3, 2021
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Doing a Barney

When you get your rocks off to the sound of other people getting their rocks off, you're doing a Barney.
When you use unusual objects and surfaces to bring yourself to ecstasy, you're probably doing a Barney too.
I walked in on him, he was leaning up against the bookshelf, his trousers were down around his ankles... I think he was doing a Barney.
by DMcM December 21, 2005
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