12 definitions by DD Alwhiney

The delusion that comes with being on Snapchat and constantly thinking you look like your filtered version of yourself
Girl: Posts clearly filtered picture
Guy: Hey we know that really isn’t you and that you’re not really a cat
Girl: Dont be hating cause you think I’m cute
Guy: She clearly has Snapchat delusion

Girl: *snap* look at me shimmering and having day
by DD Alwhiney December 13, 2019
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A group of individuals employed in the oilfield industry who feel obtaining liquid gold gives them a god like complex. Unfortunately in most cases this group is usually comprised of men who wear dirty jeans even on days off to simulate working all the time and possess below average IQs and penis size. These downfalls are usually compensated with large trucks and even larger tires.
Wife: The neighbors are always staring at me because we can’t have a car that’s not a truck with an oilfield mafia sticker on the back.

Husband: I will spit in anyone’s face who disrespects that sticker. Those school teachers didn’t teach me anything compared to what my brothers taught me.

Wife: I want a divorce

Husband: Hell yeah brother, single life, oilfield mafia.

Wife: Blank stare, leaves slowly
by DD Alwhiney June 9, 2019
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Prostate Exam is an exam where a doctor digitally examines your prostate.
Guy -Hey man, when I went to my Prostate Exam and you said it was a digital exam, you really should have specified that digital meant his fingers and not numbers.
Friend- You ok?
Guy- I don’t wanna talk about it
by DD Alwhiney May 19, 2019
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Small piece of paper with adhesive on the back where notes can be written and then placed in proper locations to help with memory associated to a past or future event.
I can’t believe she forgot to deliver that message. I give her sticky notes to remember these things. I need to leave myself a sticky note to get more sticky notes so people start remembering to tell me things.
by DD Alwhiney May 20, 2019
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A word made popular by the TV Show and real life practice of a group of people “intervening” in a person’s life to help them with a particular problem. The more practical way to perform this involves physical violence against the person to help correct the behavior.
Friend 1- Hondo needs our help man we want to set up an intervention when he gets here.
Friend 2 - Yeah you’re right let me get my hand wraps
Friend 1- why do you need hand wraps?
Friend 2 - I’m not trying to hurt my wrists when we beat him
Friend 1- wait you think we need to beat him?
Friend 2- yeah he needs a real intervention, someone get the lights and as soon as he walks in he’s gonna get the intervention he deserves
by DD Alwhiney June 17, 2019
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