19 definitions by D-Shiznit

Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers is a site wherein only politically correct questions and answers that don't offend even the easiest people to offend are allowed and where if you aren't a slave to their anal retentive guidelines you are treated as an outcast and your account is eventually deleted.
The Yahoo! Answers staff need to pull their heads out of their butts because they delete questions and answers (and even accounts) without even paying much attention to whether they genuinely deserve to be deleted.
by D-Shiznit August 12, 2007
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got jokes

being funny
You knoe I got jokes man.
by D-Shiznit July 1, 2003
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Someone who says with their mouth that they have no god, but with their actions and attitude they worship themselves and thinks that anyone who disagrees is a complete moron.
Altough athiests love to shove the fact that "athiest" technically means without any god, the fact of the matter is that atheist worship themselves.
by D-Shiznit November 17, 2006
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tatle tale

An insulting label to describe someone who actually *gasp* has the guts to stand up for what's right. Stop him before he spreads the real truth!
As kids, our parents discourage us from being tattle tales, but then they wonder why the crime rate is so high in our country. If we had more tattle tales, who knows? Maybe we could stop flooding our prisons with innocent people while the criminals roam the streets freely.
by D-Shiznit June 30, 2005
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narrow minded

A label people stick on anyone who firmly believes anything at all.
In today's wishy-washy society, anyone who has the guts to stand up for what they believe in when (esp. what they believe in is unpopular) is labelled as narrow minded because everyone else is so open minded that, in many cases, their brains have fallen out.
by D-Shiznit July 11, 2005
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