6 definitions by D'Bo

When a guy gets a hard on in public and tucks his dick under his belt to hide it.
J. Gaydosh was flyin high at Hooter's the other night.
by D'Bo May 3, 2006
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(adj): stupid,lame, or scanless, especially due to smoking SHIT
We looked so shitty after being tweeked out for a week straight.
You're so shitty, I should call you Shitty McShitter.
Everyone knows that Santa Paula is a shitty ass town!
by D'Bo October 23, 2003
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(n): a bitch that rats you out
(v): to rat someone out "throw a leva"
The only good leva is a dead one!
If you throw a leva I'ma shank you, pinche chavala!
by D'Bo September 27, 2003
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(v): to be lame or annoying
by D'Bo October 23, 2003
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(adj): tight; fly; all bad; hard
D'BO always be gangsta leanin when she roll through da 'hood.
by D'Bo September 27, 2003
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That girl is scanless!
Smoking resin is scanless!
by D'Bo October 23, 2003
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