12 definitions by Cyndane

Meg Ryan

Some celebrity who changes her hair style alot.
A Meg Ryan cut only looks good on Meg Ryan and even if your stylist has the talent to give you the same cut, you are still not going to look like Meg Ryan, in fact, you may look downright silly with the same cut.
by Cyndane March 6, 2005
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Unlike the negative definitions sent in under the word look up of 'Metal', Nightwish isn't about "someone being tortured and beaten, and the sound of people stomping on small animals."

They combined something unique. Symphonic, classical music and opera combined with parts of power metal.

Okay, so the "Ocean soul" part has been overdone a bit, and so is the sea motif put in almost every song. But Nightwish is still a good band. That's just Tuomas thinks. His thoughts are in a "Sea of Thoughts", and writes them down and turns it into a song.
Maybe Tuomas should think more than just the ocean?
by Cyndane March 5, 2005
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George W. Bush

43rd president of the United States, now on his 2nd term. 2000-2008 A.D.

Has done some good stuff on the economy, but what about our political freedoms and civil rights?

What about the U.S. Constitution!?!?
George W. Bush,

There's a reason why our founding fathers signed and established the Constitution!

To hell with the Patriot Act!
by Cyndane October 6, 2005
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mariah carey

A talented, dramatic coloratura soprano, with an outstanding voice range. One of the few who can sing in their whistle register for long periods of time.
Mariah Carey's vocal profile:

Octave Range: approx. 5 (A2–G7)
Longest Note: 20 seconds in the song "Lead the way".
Highest Recorded Notes: G7, G7#, F7, E7
Lowest Recorded Notes: A2, A2#, B2
by Cyndane May 19, 2005
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A reading disorder. When people mix up similar-looking letters, such as:

d, b, p, q
Is it a "d"?
Or a "p"?
Is is a "b"?
Or a "q"?

It's a perfect d, except that it's really a q.

by Cyndane March 27, 2005
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The only musical instrument that can be sorted into the strings or percussion group.
And also the reason why I can't play in an orchestra (unless by invitation). They can't decide whether to put this damn thing into the strings or the percussion.
by Cyndane January 15, 2005
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