2 definitions by Cryoraptor

Also spelt 'Leukaemia' by those crooked-toothed Brits, Leukemia is content on Social Media websites that is so cancerous that it can no longer be classified as cancer and becomes Internet Leukemia.
Person 1: Jaystation faked his girlfriend's death!
Person 2: You mean the guy who pretends to summon ghosts with Ouija boards at 3AM? Yeah, his channel is total leukemia.
Person 1: Yeah, he's a complete shitcunt.
by Cryoraptor February 20, 2020
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A county in South East England that has its origins in the once powerful and pioneering Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Cantwara. It often has the reputation of being the 'Garden of England' but in reality is full of chavs and gypsies inhabiting overgrown, filthy and soulless towns and villages in the west and on the coast, and rich retirees originally from the posher parts of London inhabiting golf course towns like Tenterden in the interior. The countryside is boring, the towns are either shitholes or boring golf course towns, and the people are horrible. The older generation are miserable tory voters, the middle aged men are all pissheads who go to wetherspoons at 10am for their 8 pints of carling, the young men are psychotic nutters who stab anyone who looks at them the wrong way, the youth deals drugs to make money because of the complete lack of opportunity, the posh upper-middle class ex-Londoners own everything, give all the jobs to their other ex-Londoner mates and talk about how 'beautiful' the Kent countryside is despite not being indigenous and not having a fucking clue about how much they're ruining the lives of the indigenous, and the women are all fake-eyelashed, fake-tanned, overly-dolled up, sluttily-dressed bimbos. There are more 'Essex girls' in Kent than there are in Essex. The amount of teenage girls who dress like whores and wear cheap fake tan is terrifying. If you don't want to be killed by chavs or pikeys, or horrified by the amount of bimbos, don't come here.
Person 1: Listen mate I'm going to Kent next weekend
Person 2: Why the fuck are you going there? You'll get killed by some angry chavs! Don't go there if you value your life!
by Cryoraptor June 24, 2022
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