9 definitions by Creamy Dudlius

The laziest and slimiest friend anyone can have.. Most likely to play zombie games around 2 in the morning whilst complaining about download times on actual games that may prove to be worth playing. Has a bad habit of finding tarnished napkins laying around and picking them up, then proceeds to have an internal tweakathon and won't shut up about it for months. This can also be short for "Nibert Slugerton" the grimiest of the gross.. It is quite possible when you're kickin' it with the doods having a grand ol' time he dips out on you for hours, sometimes days and won't mention the incident and play it off as if he was eating doritos watching the simpsons.
Jeeb: Man that Nibert Slugerton is such a pile of junk, he didn't even give me back my bang sack...
Tyler: It actually wasn't NIBSLUG this time, TWAS I who stole the bang sack..
by Creamy Dudlius December 7, 2021
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A poor sock most likely found under a crusty old guys bed. This here sock has been used to store farts in case the apocalypse were to take place and a personal arsenal of natural gas needed to be accessed.
Nib-log: Most the time I'm scared I'll run into a shit covered napkin walking through my house, So I just grab the nearest sock and go to town.
Wheege: Man, that is most definitely a SHART SOCK.

Tyler: Now that is a lucrative business proposal!
by Creamy Dudlius December 7, 2021
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A rogue walmart bag floating around the parking lot that a lonely freak stumbles upon and mangles it into a practically non-existent jizz dumpster. Very practical and quite useful as a bartering chip at local pawn shops.
Nathyam: I really want that buttplug you got behind the counter but all I have is this BANG SACK
Tyler: I've never seen a finer piece of merchandise in my life, you got any more?
Wheep: WOW! how neat, I'll have to find me one of those beauties.
by Creamy Dudlius December 7, 2021
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When you get your weiner stuck in a hair dryer and then proceed to unstick your dick with the force of the dryer.
Nathan: Man, yesterday I got my winkie stuck in a hair dryer.
Ece: dude that happened to me the other day.
Brian: Shit man, I'm pretty sure that's a meat blower.
by Creamy Dudlius February 4, 2018
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The act of buying the cruddiest fish o' filet (w/ tomato and ham) of your life, THEN proceeding to mangle the shit out of it with your warty, flacid weiner. Specifically, the wang has to slide above the tomato and under the ham as all the mayo explodes out the other side onto another man's face.
Booch: Yo bro, watchu want from MC diddies?
Wap: Yea get me one of those crappy ass fish o' filets!
ToodleBoozer: DUDE, totally get me 3. I'm gonna wolf down 2 and then Mcbang the 3rd one.
by Creamy Dudlius April 5, 2023
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The act of creaming in a glass of oonge juice then blending it together with a thick turd. Afterwards, making your bestfriend Tyler drink it.
Ece: Damn dude I just blended up some oonge juice and a turd
Beau: Dude that's a creamy julius!
Tyler: Let me drink it!!
by Creamy Dudlius February 3, 2018
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When yo just big chilly minding your own business.. THEN, you start crackin poob nasties off like a 12ft string of blackcat crackers hangin out of your uncle's ass going bananas in a dumpster. The train don't stop rolling until you've fully repainted your living room with a thick shade of brown.
NibNasty: *Chilly on the couch*
Twee Twizzy: Naton! Why living room BROWN??
NibNasty: Man I felt a rumble in my tumble then the SHARTBOOMPOW came on.
by Creamy Dudlius April 5, 2023
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