2 definitions by CrazyBestFriend1

The most amazing girl you'll ever meet. If you ever stumble across a Madi, you better bow tf down 'cause she'll leave your ass faster than you can say sorry. She's can be a psycho bitch, but most of the time she's either shy or reserved. If you want to talk to her, you better say the first words. You want to date her? Whatever you do, DON'T WAIT FOR HER TO ASK! She's a sensitive little cutie, and will break down at the smallest rude comment if you mean something to her, so you better either be ready to comfort her or at least refrain from saying stuff like that. She'll do anything for you, but if you offend her friends, she's a quick thinker who has millions of snarky remarks up her sleeve and is willing to use them at any time. She tries to blend in at school, but when one of her hobbies (soccer, dance, softball, singing, painting, sketching, etc.) is involved, she'll try her best to stand out or be a leader. She will cheer for her teammates, and will scream for her friends. She's has a remarkable memory, and will remember the most random things. Madi is an amazing friend, a remarkable girlfriend, and you should o anything you can to keep her.
Joe: Why weren't you at my wedding yesterday?
Timmy: I saw a Madi.
Joe: So instead of being my best man, you stared at a girl all day?
Timmy: It was worth it.
Joe: I'm so disappointed.
Timmy: Then you've never seen a Madi.
by CrazyBestFriend1 April 30, 2019
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A Gabi is an amazing girl! If you ever meet one keep her for as long as possible. Gabi's could have trust issues or insecurities, and she may need you to tell her all the amazing things about her from time to time. Gabi's are very trustworthy, so if you need to talk to someone about something important, go to a Gabi!
Gabi is so beautiful!
by CrazyBestFriend1 March 2, 2019
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