15 definitions by Copie Boy

sweaty cunt. namely to describe how something smells.
Yo! You just know that bitch smells like swunt. see also swat.
by Copie Boy November 5, 2002
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the act of pushing ones exposed genitals against a window (preferably a car').
When your mom was driving behind us the other day Bob gave her a pressed fruit bowl.
by Copie Boy November 6, 2002
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A penis that is wider than long.
The guy had such a tuna can he had to have an elephant step on his back to fuck.
by Copie Boy November 4, 2002
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to go out on the town in the interest of scoring a fat woman.
Hey Bob lets pick up some Twinkies and go hogging.
by Copie Boy November 6, 2002
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the act of a female using a vibrator.
That night I slept over I walked in on your mom doing the pickle dance.
by Copie Boy November 6, 2002
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a notch above fugly meaning fucking REAL ugly.
Yo! that bitch aint fugly, she's frugly!
by Copie Boy November 6, 2002
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