12 definitions by Coby
by Coby February 20, 2003
means fuckable, but not as rude as. to describe someone who looks sexy, and you only want to have a sexual relationship and nothing more i.e one night stand
by Coby January 14, 2005
When you drive around the country side drinkin and drivin because you have no where to chill and drink legaly.
by Coby March 2, 2003
by Coby March 6, 2003
Don't take this shit serious, i don't really go around peein' in girls butts (unless they ask) I wouldn't give a girl an Emeril (look it up, funny) I have never laid a "Hot Carl" between some ladies boobies. I love girls and wouldn't do anything to hurt them.
by Coby March 11, 2003