15 definitions by Choppy Tom

Meth cheeks

A methhead with an absolute set of clappers.
That bitch don’t have teeth but she got them meth cheeks.
by Choppy Tom February 26, 2021
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Queef stick

When you put a beef stick in a girls pussy and she pushes it out with a queef.
Yeah baby you know I love the tangy flavor of that queef stick
by Choppy Tom February 26, 2021
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Gerbert and cheese

When a weird dude pull up with a goofy sandwich outta nowhere
by Choppy Tom March 16, 2021
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Mr. Bands

When you’re getting fat stacks and need to make a quick call
Sorry I can’t talk right now I need to have a talk with Mr. Bands.
by Choppy Tom February 26, 2021
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Tentacle murphy

Holy shit I heard Matthew has a tentacle Murphy hidin in his pants!
by Choppy Tom June 24, 2021
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Greaseball hidalgo

A deceptive and selfish person who uses their loved ones for profit
Michael sold his mom into prostitution he’s such a greaseball hidalgo
by Choppy Tom February 23, 2021
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