20 definitions by Chingo Bolemongo

BARTENDER: "Sorry, friend, no more for you tonight."
by Chingo Bolemongo September 30, 2006
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"We saw clowns and midgets and ELFANTS at the circus, today!"
by Chingo Bolemongo September 26, 2006
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"I dunno wumagunadu tonite. I probly just chill in the crib."
"Oh, shizzum, the popos be shown us their partylights.
Wumagunadu? Run!"
by Chingo Bolemongo September 28, 2006
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Used to describe anything bona fide or legit like as a seal of approval.

Originated from Andy Griffith (speaking on a Ritz Cracker TV commercial):
"Mmm-mmmmh. Anything sits good on a Ritz." Supposed to mean Ritzes are so excellent.
IT SITS WELL ON A RITZ refers to being good enough for a Ritz (figuratively).
Not limited to just food.
"I sure do like King Kelly orange marmalade. IT SITS WELL ON A RITZ."
"This Humboldt Purple I gots here SITS ON A RITZ, too. Load a bowl and see for yourself."
"Oh, that's just my cuz. He OK; he SHITS ON THE RITZ."
by Chingo Bolemongo October 5, 2006
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A sometimes obsessive contributor to Urban Dictionary whose style is more apropros to an Urban Encyclopedia listing or a private blog posting.

Long, rambling opinions fill the page, or pages, required for the URBAN BLOGGER's "definition" -- (including retorts to every previous post).
"Some Urban Dictionary "editors" are really URBAN BLOGGERs."
by Chingo Bolemongo September 26, 2006
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Brand name of kick-ass orange marmalade which is available at grocery stores in most parts of the US. I'm talkin/bout the Grey Poupon of jellies and jams.
It sits well on a Ritz, cracka.
(I know it do, nigga.)
"Please pass me the KING KELLY while my wheat toast is still warm."
"Excuse me, but would you happen to have any KING KELLY?"
by Chingo Bolemongo October 5, 2006
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The construct for the bizarro life that you can live while you're asleep. And, even if you die in your WEIRD DREAM you can usually still wake up normal, but always curious about what really happened.
OLD BLIND GUY: "You have skillfully snatched the pebble, Grasshoppa. Enter, that you may know the way."
YOU: "But, Master ... the journey is long and the day late ... and, yet the mountain is only as high as the valley is low. Shall I follow my shadow as my conscience?"
OBG: "You have answered well, Young Dragon. And I say follow your dream to overcome your nightmare. Now, <fingers snap> SLEEP!"
YOU: "This WEIRD DREAM is quite strange. I uhhh, I thought I was already asleep."
by Chingo Bolemongo October 5, 2006
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