11 definitions by CheesyFriesWithExtraCheese

A deadly virus/ disease aka: Aids , You get by having unsafe sexual intercourse with someone who already has that virus
aka: Sexual/Sexually Transmitted Disease

"Hey doc, theres something wrong...."

*Test Results*

"Sorry to tell you, but, you have STD's"
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A personal keeping/ secret of a beloved ones JUICY SECRETS!!!
'Did you read her diary, like... I never even know she was lesbian'
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Its lies between your two {2} SquishBuns. Its where your JunkyJunk aka: Waste comes out of
'OH EM GOD, WHAT IS THAT SMELL?' '*she follows the smell, and it leads to an elephants squishbuns, 10 miles away*

Street name: Butthole
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When a man/ woman has a pair of balls (from a penis) on their chin, just slooping down
'Oh my god, Did you see that ballchinian? He was so long'
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