3 definitions by Ceadaoin

The semantic counterpart of a soft butch - more femme than an androgyne, but less femme than a femme. IOW soft butch is to femme lite, as butch is to femme.

A femme lite might also be described as a boyish-looking woman - in face, figure, and/or style - but with the emphasis on the woman. Not a tomboy... at least not anymore. Cute; handsome; capable.

Can be any sexual orientation or relational approach.
On TV or stage, self-described "chapstick lesbian" Ellen DeGeneres is a femme lite. But on the street she sometimes appears more of a tomboy, androgynous, or soft butch - i.e., somewhat less femme.
by Ceadaoin November 18, 2013
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You're not necessarily bisexual, you're not necessarily bi-romantic, merely bi-crush-ual. You find yourself crushing on, or infatuated with, a person or persons of a sex or gender whose persons you don't find yourself interested in doing anything sexual or romantic with; you're merely crushing on them.

Doesn't necessarily rule-out being heterosexual or hetero-romantic (sometimes mashup-spelled heteromantic), but would seem to rule-out being strictly hetero-crushual.

Potential alternative terms: bi-infatual; bi-infatuated.

As with all of these matters, you can be a little, a lot, or totally, bicrushual. (Demi-bicrushual?)

Similarly, you choose how you identify yourself. Every rule has exceptions! (Except this one.)

(According to Google, appeared on the Internet for the first time on 3 April 2010 @ a blog with which I have no connection.)
Straight-identifying starlets who tell talk-show hosts they have a girl-crush may or may not be bicrushual.
by Ceadaoin August 4, 2015
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Someone who doesn't really become sexually attracted to someone until they know some amount of info about them. That's just the way their body is wired, and they're ok with that.

Because a "deep emotional bond" isn't necessarily necessary (though perhaps desirable),

may or may not be a subtype of Demisexual; or perhaps "Hemidemisexual"??

May extend to Inforomantic, maybe even Infromantic.
I've never been much for the meet (sic) market or anonymous hookups, they don't do anything for me. I'm not judging, I just need to know something about someone before I get turned on. Maybe I'm an Infosexual....
by Ceadaoin August 28, 2020
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