17 definitions by CantThinkOfAnActuallyGoodName

I mean, you know what this means. Super sad emoticon.
"My friend just took my wallet :CC"
"Why did you have to betray me like this? :CC"
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Definitely no ARG here...
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1. The alternative for "I don't know how to answer this question, so I'm gonna answer it by saying something completely nonsensical and unrelated to the question."

2. A m e m e .

3. The 5th letter in the english alphabet.
1. Person 1: "Wanna have s*x?"
Person 2: "E."

2. "Markiplier is E god."

3. "a, b, c, d, E, f, g!"
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Do not speak about the creepy ROM.
"Um, I just discovered this game called PacM̬̦̩̹̌͢a̪͓̮̼͍̗͑̿ͫn̛̥͈ͅ?. It's creepy."
by CantThinkOfAnActuallyGoodName February 28, 2021
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Are you f**king serious? You're THAT bored? Oh, right, you are. Since you ALREADY TYPED qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsamnbvcxz, qwerty, asdf, qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm, qawsedrftgyhujikolpzxcvbnm, plokijuhygtfrdeswaqzxcvbnm, and many many many many many (repeat 10 times) more. Also, you did this in an alternating left to right diagonal pattern.
"Stop already. You have something better to do other than typing qawesdrftyghujikolpzxcvbnm."
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An emoticon for when you're trying to be happy, but you are sad in the inside.
Also can be used as a smiley with a chin.
Use 1: Person 1: "What's wrong?"
Person 2: "Nothing. :DC"

Use 2: Person 1: "You have a long chin."
Person 2: "I know. :DC"
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