41 definitions by Can Not

noun - a person who takes gifts that were given or meant to be given to someone else.
Nacho: "Jim just took your gift, Karen! What a gift taker!"
Karen: "DAMN YOU SPIDERMAN!!!!!11"
by Can Not June 6, 2005
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1. verb - to own happily

2. noun (condijury)- happy ownage being happy that you owned.
1. I condijuride the enemy with my 0MG m4d leet skillz(superiorness).

2. I utterly ownd the enemy with eternal condijury.
by Can Not March 16, 2005
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noun - a condition of having so much sex during a short period of time that the emotional and physical strain causes damage to your body. Great for a Halo 2 screen name.
"I was driving Earl around after he was drunk at Kristy's house, and he was whining that he might have had sex overload!"

"PlayerA was killed by sex overload!"
by Can Not July 18, 2005
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Noun - An acronym that stands for massively Multiplayer Online Bulliten Board. Usually used to confront someone who takes an internet forum too seriously.
"Hehe, I have almost 44,000 posts, what are you going to do about that?"
"HOLY CRAP!!!!!!11 His quantity/quality nature causes me to be inferior to him! DAMN THIS MMOBB!!! DAMN YOU SPIDERMAN!!!"
by Can Not May 11, 2005
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noun - a CD drive that has been used to ensure the safe transportation of a CD.

It is a large CD "case", usually used to carry around very important or valueble CDs. The same can be done with a floppy disks and still be called a Holy Stroganove.
Hillary Duff brought her Holy Stroganove to school so she can protect her massively superior school project. What a tuboyne!
by Can Not April 8, 2005
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A rather "interesting" and "intense" way of claiming dominance over your enemy.
Bob: Oh no!!!! We are playing a game! I am losign!
John: OMG I will win!
*bob looses*
John: You just got flamingoed!!!
Jane: John your so hot you just flamingoed him!
by Can Not March 14, 2005
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noun - an extremely nerdy, usually immature, teachers pet who obsesses over teachers and takes nerd to a whole new level of being highly resistable.
Cathrine Wilson is the biggest tuboyne I know!
by Can Not March 17, 2005
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