138 definitions by Bumkicker Slade

To leave. To make one's exit.

Very common in 1960s.
I'm tired of this party. Let's butt out.
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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The politically correct term for a "Jungle Bunny."

Politically correct people do not say "jungle" any more. They say "rain forest." And they do not say "bunny" any more because it might offend some people as sexist.
Hey, Leroy, how about you and your rainforest rabbit buddies come over for a beer tonight?
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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What everyone should eat mo of.
Eat mo possum. It's great in a stew.
by Bumkicker Slade May 7, 2005
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Two or more gentlemen employed by a mob boss, labor union, politician, or other disreputable sod to rough people up, break their legs, or bust their chops.
Senator Kennedy sent his goon squad to visit the man who kept sending him postcards of Chappaquiddick.
by Bumkicker Slade May 10, 2005
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To expectorate.

This action is done by baseball pitchers to indicate that they are indeed on the mound.

It is done by inner city hoodlums as a sign of contempt, and as an indicator of their feeble intellect.

And it is done by cowboys as they gallantly open the door of a pickup truck for a lady.

As you walk past the open door of a public men's room, you can hear men hawking and spitting. As you walk past the open door of a public ladies' room, you cannot. Nobody has a good explanation of this phenomenon. Suffice it to say, spitting is a man's practice. Not even low life women spit much.
Pete opened the door of his pickup for Sara Sue. As she was getting out, he spit on the street between her feet. "Oh, such a gentleman," she said.
by Bumkicker Slade May 10, 2005
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My ass was very disappointed at the sympony last night when the conductor directed Mozart's 25th sympony like he was swatting flies.
by Bumkicker Slade April 24, 2005
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Rainier Ale, a brew from Washington.

It used to come in dark green cans. Open on of those cans and the room smelled like death for a few moments. The beer inside the can definitely was an acquired taste. But it was delicious!
Waldo always took a six pack of Green Death to BYOB parties. That way, he was assured of having all six cans.
by Bumkicker Slade May 7, 2005
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