4 definitions by BrugCreator

The best Will Smith quote ever it means wow thats that cool
Person 1: I sold Gamestop stock at its peak price. Person 2 : Daaaaaaaa
by BrugCreator March 24, 2021
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Bruh but it has more power in it
Your dad sold GameStop stock before it went up that’s a brug moment
by BrugCreator March 20, 2021
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you know that feeling when your girlfriend whip you with a spatula for 14 hours straight because she has a twin so you got confused and fucked her dog? Thats like playing Ohio Ball, the most dangerous sport on the planet. After playing Ohio Ball you are never the same.
Why the fuck is there a demogorgon 1v1ing a naked nigger in basketball?

Nah thats just Ohio Ball.
by BrugCreator November 30, 2022
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