7 definitions by Brmfryys

Creator of ito lang, cousin of Badrino, Somalia resident
Popular quotes from Ninga Gabino:
“How did petalson dieito”
“Exactlyito n-nice personito!”
“Talk properlyito!”
“Ninga Badito! My fren
by Brmfryys October 19, 2020
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One of the many dialects of ino , it is currently unknown who the creator is but people speculate it could be Petalson
“Thanking! fren
by Brmfryys October 19, 2020
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Although it is more popular than ino , it is officially a dialect of it. It was made by Ninga Badrino’s cousin, Ninga Gabino.
Ninga Gabino! My fren”
“Ayyyyyyito! How are youito! fren”
“Im goodito! Ito lang getting popularito this daysito! We should publicize some coursesito so that they go all over the internetito! fren”
by Brmfryys October 19, 2020
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Creator of ino lang, Grandmaster at chess, chef, lawyer, FaZe member, Somalia resident, assassin of Petalson, cousin of Gabino
Popular quotes from Ninga Badrino:
“I don’t knowino!”
“Give your meat a good ol’ rubino

“Ninga Badrino! my fren”
Yehea buoy”
by Brmfryys October 19, 2020
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Slang for Vietnam

It gets the nickname toothbrush because soldiers in Vietnam had to make toothbrushes from wooden sticks kapp
“Hey let’s go on vacation to toothbrush

“Hellino yeahino!”
by Brmfryys October 19, 2020
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A language made by the legend that is Ninga Badrino
Ninga Badrino! My fren
“Ayyyyyyino! How are youino! fren”
by Brmfryys October 19, 2020
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A language made by Ninga Badrino. It consists of putting "ino" after certain words in a sentence.

A more popular, ripped off version, ito, also exists.
When asked about Petalson's death, Ninga Badrino replied "I don't knowino!" which seems very odd.
by Brmfryys September 12, 2020
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