38 definitions by Brittney Sade

the name for an unknown type of weed that is infamous for it's anger qualities. While on this weed, you won't feel high, but you'll sure as hell act it. Then you'll begin to think of something pleasant and instantaneously it will be replaced with feelings of hatred, murder and fighting.

It is usually sold in Citrus Heights, which could be the reason 78% of the population wants to beat up a friend of theirs.
J: Has the weed kicked in for you yet?
V: No
S: No
B: No, but I feel angry as fuck.
V: Me too
S: Me too
B: God, I hate angry weed.
by Brittney Sade August 8, 2008
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aka: "Da Heights" and "Slitrus Heights"

a nice, wholesome suburban area, with citrus trees, a nice Mediterranean climate and welcoming people. Until 7:30am: when people on the road become jerks, honking at you for everything, when teachers come to school with nasty attitudes putting other children in nasty attitudes and then those children go down to the Sunrise Mall to mess with Mall Security (i.e. Sly or Palmer) and score some drugs.

Citrus Heights is a semi-tight knit community and if you know one person, you know the other. Marijuana is commonly dealt and smoked here, second popular drug is ether. If you do drugs and live in Citrus Heights, you run with people named Stitches or Amber. There is an amazing amount of rockers and elderly, damn near everybody has a cell phone that has some kind of malfunction and everyone knows someone that shouldn't be doing something they're doing at the moment.

At the center of Citrus Heights:
San Juan High
Sunrise Mall
Tempo Park
Donut King
Rusch Park
Mariposa Ave
Greenback Lane

People in Citrus Heights know how to have a good time despite the fact that it's a place that's going nowhere. It's known for it's bitch-ass cops (Citrus Heights PD) that patrol the schools and roads looking for trouble makers. Despite all it's been through, it's a clean city.

S: I'm moving to Carmichael.
B: It's not that far Steph, I live in Carmichael.
V: So? Why couldn't you have found a house in the Heights?
B: We'll find some new person, I even have a slogan...
C: Citrus Heights: Your Not Welcome Here, But If You Smoke, We'll Take You
by Brittney Sade July 26, 2008
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city in California, known for it's Arden-Arcade area. The city is quite large and is well known for being unusually spread out, walk two steps away from Coyle Ave. you are now in Citrus Heights, walk a block to Del Campo from Carmichael, you are now in Fair Oaks. To a person from Citrus Heights, Carmichael is hella days away, when it's only a 45 minute walk depending on how fast you are.

Carmichael gave the world that preppy Disney star Brenda Song.
V: Carmichael is hella days away
S: I know!
B: Dude, it's not that bad, it's only a 45 minute walk.
V: Did you hear something? It sounded like a smart-ass I don't wanna listen to right now.
by Brittney Sade July 26, 2008
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type of tequila made in Mexico, made to spiritually get you hammered.
V:What'd you do yesterday?
B:I drank a fifth of Sauza, watched some old Owen Hart videoes and was hammered the rest of the day
by Brittney Sade December 29, 2009
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the act of smoking a dank bowl of marijuana. During this act you might baseball it but you must be able to keep the rotation in order, keep smoking until the bowl is gone and keep the same lighter until the all is gone.

It's rarely done, but is amazingly sweet when it happens.
A: We're gonna jack a bottle, what are you guys gonna do?
B: We're about to toca bowl, you comin' or what?
by Brittney Sade October 13, 2008
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a mall in the heart of Citrus Heights, walking distance of:
Sayonara Forest
San Juan High
San Juan Park
Sunrise Marketplace
the most popular stores are Hot Topic and American Eagle. Constantly visited by stoners that are sober and have nothing else to do.
Is usually the place to go when your 8-14.

When your over 14 1/2 you begin to drift away from the mall, due to it being to familiar or being caught by mall security too many times.
Child: Dad! Can Megan take me to the Sunrise Mall?
Megan: Why? There's nothing in there anyway.
by Brittney Sade July 30, 2008
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also known as stoner etiquette

a list of commandments in place with people that smoke with others. These commandments are manadatory and the consequences = losing your turn, dealing with cottonmouth until other handlings and possibly getting last on the next bowl.

Rules are as followed:
1. If someone if paying for the weed, it is mandatory for them to get first hit. They must also pack the bowl unless the party informed someone else and got another to do it for them.

2. When passing the bowl/blunt, the person whom owns the pipe/rolled the joint will get second hit. No buts.

3.Don't bogart the weed! It's for the group to share.

4. When rolling a joint, don't fucking nigger lip it! It's disgusting and closing the opening.

5. When cashed, if you don't own the pipe, don't resin hit it. It's not your resin to hit!

6. Don't pass a cashed bowl or a semi-cashed bowl without telling the next person of the status.

7. When smoking a fresh bowl after the initial one, you must flip the rotation. 1st: To the left. Next: to the right. It's only fair.

8. Always share any food or drink you have with the rest of the gang, cotton mouth is no fun.

9. After being smoked out by fellow acquaintance, you must in return, smoke them out. It's wonderful karma.

10. Don't ever fucking complain about the weed. Don't like it don't smoke it!
V: Okay, who nigger-lipped it?
M: Brittney...
B: No...it was like that when I got it.
V: Chenoa! That's rule #4!
C: What rule?
M: The stoner rules. duh!
by Brittney Sade October 11, 2008
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