26 definitions by Bomni

A friend who sits shotgun and helps you watch for cops, rolls joints and flags down bitches when you're out cruizin the strip.
I need a co-pilot for this trip.
by Bomni February 8, 2005
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Saying Madonna has talent would be a far cry from the truth.
by Bomni February 9, 2005
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An oversized tailpipe usually installed on a ricer car (like a Honda Civic)
My new gook pipe makes my engine sound like a dirt bike which isn't really any better than the stock pipe it came with.
by Bomni February 7, 2005
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The original Minnesota "CODE" for smoking pot to keep parents and pigs in the dark...
Hey Ma, I'm gonna go play boot hockey with my friends...see ya!!!
by Bomni February 8, 2005
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What you get when you drink way way too much grape Kool-aid or virtually anything with purple dye in it.
I had some grape drink, then about an hour later I had a green stool.
by Bomni February 8, 2005
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1.Typically confused with being extremely caring, helpful and pleasant. Being from the area, I know it REALLY means that a Minnesotan won't slam you to your face - they do it behind your back so as to APPEAR nice.

2. Back stabbing
Describing your girlfriend as a slut to one of your best friends is considered Minnesota nice.
by Bomni February 9, 2005
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A PERMANANT EATING LIFESTYLE. Almost ALL Americans misconstrued (misinterpret) this word as a temporary change in eating habits to loose weight - such as a "protein diet"
Many Americans have a very unhealthy diet of fast food and pizza.
by Bomni February 8, 2005
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