33 definitions by Bob saget

little jimmy was very depressed so he decided to go through his medicine cabinet and found some pills and ppk.
by Bob saget March 8, 2008
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Noun - A man who engages in the act of attempting to round up either side of the sex for a active night of sexual escapades. Formerly a deragatory term it can be used in a flattering sense.
You see that dude their he's an ass wrangler.
by Bob saget May 6, 2005
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person from north of the bridge. a second class citizen of the U.S.. A canadian trapped on american soil.
Yoopers think they're american, but everybody in america hates them. which is why michigan is selling the u.p. to canada for a carton of cigarettes.
by Bob saget February 15, 2005
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Thank God for Zell Miller. Without him, I never would have realized that my personal beliefs are more important than the beliefs of my party, and I never would have been inspired to leave the Republican party, which has now become a conservative dictatorship.

Zell Miller showed me the light. He showed me that partisanship in this country is ridiculous and that middle-of-the-road voters get fucked up the ass by this fucking retarded two-party system.
by Bob saget November 17, 2004
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a yummy delicious treat packed in perfect sized plastic container; normally consumed by a plastic spoon. Often packed in little kid's lunch pail.
Yo doodz dis snack pack is xtreme
by Bob saget June 22, 2004
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the greatest shizdbidelyite of all time. he has wrinkeld green skin nad he teaches kids how to chop people up with a light enhanced saber.
wow look at that yoda with his blue light enhanced saber.
by Bob saget June 22, 2004
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