20 definitions by Bob Sometimes

The thick, creamy sauce that slurps out of a bird when she is aroused (very nice on a piece of apple pie).
"After dinner I enjoyed my aunt's cherry pie with a thick helping of bird's custard"
by Bob Sometimes March 23, 2005
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(a) Descriptive of a sexy girl of diminutive proportions who (1) would look extremely attractive in a "school uniform/jailbait" situation and (2) looks like they might be up for it. (similar to a laptop or a throwabout

(b) To "crack one off" while contemplating the above. Named after an early Channel 4 program designed to appeal to paedophiles in which under-12s dressed up and performed pop songs.
Please note: A Minipop should not be confused with a "Krankywank" which is something quite different and totally unacceptable.
(A) "Did you see that Lisa Rogers slutting about on the Big Breakfast? Talk about a minipop!"

(B) Watching Britney's "One More Time" video always caused Gervaise to squeeze off a minipop.
by Bob Sometimes May 31, 2005
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The suggestion that something will take so long that one's sperm will curdle before the said event occurs.
"Jesus Christ, I'll have jizzmould before Heskey gets a goal for England!"
by Bob Sometimes September 4, 2004
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"Oh Heather, I see your on the blob again. Any chance you could take your leg off so I can clean your drains?"
by Bob Sometimes March 23, 2005
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Muff spillage. Not so much down the leg as over the waistband. Unruly fanny wire.
"In parliament today, Anne Widdecombe gave John Prescott a lingering Dutch Wink revealing a pant moustache like Noel Gallagher's eyebrow."
by Bob Sometimes September 4, 2004
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A big orange and black striped liony thing with sharp claws and rather a nasty bite. They don't usually eat men but that's only because they don't usually get the chance. Obviously, if you live near a tiger it may consider eating you. Basically, what I am saying is - the further away you live from a tiger, the less chance you have of getting eaten by one. I live in Selhurst in South London and NOBODY here has been eaten by a tiger since 1922 and I'm not even sure that it was a real tiger then (although I suppose if it ate someone it must have been a large carnivore so it may as well have been a tiger as anything else). Perhaps it was some sort of mock-tiger. Or maybe a stripey bear or something. I don't know, I wasn't even born then and you know what old people are like... The whole thing is probably a tissue of lies from start to finish. Anyway, thats sort of what a tiger is. So thats cleared that up then. Actually, I don't know why I bothered. I've never met a single person who didn't have some idea of what a tiger was so it seems a bit pointless describing one. I don't really think that the purpose of urban dictionary is to define the bleeding obvious. It really seems to be a forum for 'street' types to say things like "Yo!" and "Your mutherfucking sister's a ho!" and "Janice is such a slut" etc. Even such people as this probably know what a tiger is.
" I say George, your hand looks sore."
" Yeah, a tiger bit me. It's true, honest, go on, hit me in the stomach!"


"Mary, you'll never get anywhere in life by just lying around without a head, you know."
"Gurgle gurgle gurgle"
(Translation: "This is true mother, but as a tiger has bitten off my head and eaten it, I'm afraid I have no choice. In fact, that is the very reason why I'm finding it a little difficult to communicate with you at the moment and so I shall stop forthwith. Goodbye for ever")
by Bob Sometimes April 29, 2005
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