14 definitions by Bob Goatu

The act of opening two youtube videos at the same time and watching one while listening to the other. Particularly good watching a country and western video, usually filled with many partially clad attractive women, whilst listening to music you can actually stomach.
Hey, what are you doing?

Watching this wild video full of T and A while listening to some Morrissey.

Thats kind of contradictive.

Yes, its called Youtube Tag-teaming.

Tis awesome.

Yes, tis,
by Bob Goatu April 17, 2009
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A compilation of Facebook and Vacation. A period of time, self imposed and rarely adhered to, where a person voluntarily avoids visiting their Facebook page to get a grip on the real world. A semi-facebookation involves visiting the page, answering messages but not updating status or answering/making comments.
Where is Fred?

Oh, he's around, he's just on a Facebookation.

For how long?

A week..

Ha ha ha ha ha! (Mutual laughter)

Yeah, so, he'll be on tonight?

by Bob Goatu May 24, 2009
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The action by which you eject a cat from the end of your bed who will not stop circling and circling and circling and pawing and kneading and circling unable to "soften" that sixty four square inches of especially hard feather duvet where it plans on sleeping between your feet..

Lift feet, lift one higher and if cat does not voluntarily tumble to the side, hold the blanket down with one foot and rais the other quickly.

Cat will be ejected.

Also useful when the presence of the cat is preventing sex because of its cuteness factor.
I'm in trouble..
Fluffy was driving me crazy so I catcatapulted it off the bed?
Window was open..
uh oh.
by Bob Goatu February 4, 2010
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A mis-spelling of w00t often made in emails by non-technophiles/non-gamers, administrative secretaries and soccer moms trying to sound hip and young when texting younger coworkers or their young ones.
(mom) Thats grate dear! Your dad will be so proud you finished Splinter Cell! Awesome! woot!

(son) That's w00t mom...

(mom) but those are zeros

(son) cul8r mom..

(mom) whats that dear? I think you mashed the keys. Oh my, are you on drugs?
by Bob Goatu September 15, 2008
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A Gorthos is a hoopy frood who started life as your average run of the mill super-intelligent human, but slowly evolves in to a super-human in many ways. As a Gorthos ages, he tends to not only maintain his like and ability in all things technical and generally nerdy, he also is able to get dates with attractive yet also slightly geeky nerd-girls. This makes him a diety among fellow nerds and although scorn occasionally rains down upon him from less fortunates, most often his charisma of 18 wins the day, even with decryers.
"I'm worried about little Timmy. He won't play hockey."

"Don't worry dearest, he's a Gorthos."

"True. As are you my sweet. Would you care for more tea?"

"Yes pretty lady. and a hand job please."

"But of course!"
by Bob Goatu September 14, 2008
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The process of actively excavating all of the visible caramel or any other non-ice cream components of a box/tub of ice cream to increase the fun level of your late night snack.
"Hey, who was into my ice cream?"
"Oh me, I only had half a bowl"
"Yeah, I see you were caramel mining, there is no more ripple in my caramel ripple"
by Bob Goatu August 2, 2009
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A catchphrase that when imitated in person is not anywhere near as funny/cool/entertaining/acceptable as when originally done on TV or in a movie.
Hey, want to go grab some lunch Chet?


Uh huh. Enough of the fauxshizzle jackass, thats so 2002.


by Bob Goatu September 15, 2008
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