13 definitions by Bin chickens have rights too

Scott is a lanky giant school boy that holds a vow of silence, Scott can cook to save James ass. Scott is a mighty beast
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A tiny little Asian boy with no bladder control and a toxic addiction to Harry Potter
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Jack bishop is lying narcissistic two faced little boy that lies about his name and sexuality to lure women into his fake Snapchat account
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Jade is a bed wetting slut with an uncontrollable addiction to Pokémon go.
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Alstonville high school is the only school that finds marijuana in a kids bag and gives it back at the end of the day, AHS also has celebrity teachers such as Jewish post Malone, hawk eye and franny
Alstonville high school needs air con
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Ava is a lanky, Star Wars obsessed child that thinks mayonnaise is spicy
Ava is a loser
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