67 definitions by Bill the Cat

A bunch of hoser hypocrites who sing wholesome songs about Kraft Dinner but in reality snort cocaine with Canadian dollar bills.
One of the Barenaked Ladies got arrested last week.
by Bill the Cat July 18, 2008
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A point in time when a leader finally realizes that he has completely lost control. Term relates to the events of 1989 when Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was standing on the balcony in Bucharest and was unable to stop the crowd from booing him. A few days later his government fell and he was executed.
Many people think George W. Bush's Romanian moment was Hurricane Katrina while others think it's the rabid opposition to the Harriet Miers nomination. But others says it will soon happen over his handling of the War on Terror.
by Bill the Cat July 17, 2008
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Q: What do you call a man with no arms, no legs floating in the ocean?

A: Bob

Q: What do you call a man with no arms, no legs, and no penis floating in the ocean?

A: Bobbitt

by Bill the Cat September 16, 2008
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When a female friend brings someone else along on a date in order to prevent any nookie.
Couldn't get on first base last night because she bought along her dog as a date shield.
by Bill the Cat July 17, 2008
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A woman who's husband is out at sea and thus available for hanky panky.
Have you ever gotten blown by a sailor's wife?
by Bill the Cat May 13, 2008
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The practice of framing gringos and tourists for crimes committed by the locals.
Mexican justice never blames the locals as it will scare away tourists. Thus the blame is put on the tourists who rented the hotel room next door to the murder.
by Bill the Cat May 9, 2008
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To die in jail from natural causes before a guilty verdict can be reached.
Because it took so long to arrest him and the trial carried on for years Slobodan Milosevic was able to take the Serbian exit.
by Bill the Cat April 23, 2008
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